Daughter of Rubens (2022)
In the short documentary film, Daughter of Rubens, we hope to shed light on the brilliant, talented painter Nancy Ellen Craig. Initially a portrait painter, Craig painted aristocrats and notable figures. She was born in 1927 in Bronxville, NY and died in 2015 in Truro, MA. Her critics have compared her work to Thomas Eakins and John Singer Sargent. She did not raise her children, choosing instead to fall in love with a reclusive poet and continued to paint large scale surreal, mythic oil paintings. Although she won numerous awards in Europe and the United States, she has been marginalized and dismissed by her more famous male counterparts. This film is an attempt to look at her unconventional life as a painter, woman, mother, and wife.
Director, Cinematographer, and Editor: Sarah Hachey
Executive Producer: Gloria Monaghan
Co-Producers: Christine Jones & Michael Jones
This film is funded through the Bistline Grant, provided by Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA.